The balconies of the Cactus House apartment building in Rotterdam were designed to maximize outdoor gardening space for tenants.

This soaring wooden tower in Archangelsk, Russia was built by local gangster Nikolai Sutyagin. He never quite got around to finishing its construction – he was jailed before the work was completed.

The Dutch seem to be building more than their fair share of interesting houses, as evidenced by these “cube houses” in Rotterdam. Architect Piet Blom intentionally tipped the houses 45 degrees on their side. Cutting edge yes, but not good for those with vertigo.

The sphere house in British Columbia, Canada takes simplicity to a whole new level. The sphere is anchored to its surroundings using ropes and spiral staircases.

This “hanging” apartment building near Amsterdam uses some clever architecture to get around local zoning laws. Dutch laws require sunlight for all units, so the builders simply hung part of the building above the ground allowing for extra square footage and sun for the tenants below.

Located in New Rochelle, the Pod House’s interesting organic design is based on the structure of a weed called Queen Anne’s Lace.

The Berman House in Joadja, Australia hangs over a deep canyon below. I’m sure the views must be spectacular.

Architect Rolf Disch was thinking green when he built this structure near Freiburg, Germany. The house rotates with the movement of the sun in winter to save on heating costs. Maybe there’s a renter’s discount if you get dizzy easily?

For only $400,000, you could be living in your own fairytale-style mushroom house located in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Though it seems to defy the laws of nature, this structure in the Ukraine is apparently supported by the beams on the right hand side of the image. It looks a bit fake, don’t you think?

This structure is not a mistake. The upside-down house really was built just as it looks. Designer Daniel Czapiewski created it as a critique of the “upside-down” nature of his country’s former communist government. Located in Szymbark, Poland.
Sumber: BabeSajabu
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